Monday, March 28, 2011

That's My Baby 2

Today we went back to That's My Baby Ultrasound in Bowie for a 2nd Visit Package. It's a 15 minute session in 4D and we get several "color" prints (the yellow ones). Just like last time, we got slightly more than 15 minutes as well as additional prints, including some in 2D. They were blobby just like last time, but because the baby is bigger now, the images came out a bit more clear. My grandmother and mom came along and my grandmother couldn't stop crying the whole time. I was talking to Dan and we don't think she's ever seen a live ultrasound. My mom didn't have any with us and my brother and sister-in-law are across the country so she wouldn't have seen the first great-grand baby either. It was totally worth going just to see her so happy, if not for the awesome pictures. We joke and say the one above he's "flashing gang signs" and we'll get him a do-rag and teardrop sticker to put under his eye ;)

Yes, he is flipping us off in this picture. He was almost completely uncooperative and had his hands in front of his face nearly the whole time. Eventually, after much prodding (literally), he took his hands down and we got some clear pictures of his face.

This one is my favorite by far. We can see his chubby cheeks, fat lips, big nose (my side of the family), and even a little bit of hair on the top of his head. I can't stop staring at this one, I can see him, he's always been "real" to me, especially with my stomach getting bigger and bigger, but this makes him mine. These aren't someone else's ultrasound pictures, they're ours, this is our baby and he'll be here before we know it.

This is another one of my favorites, mostly because it shows how he had his hands up in front of his face but also his chubby fingers and how small a space he's got left. Jennifer estimated his weight right around 7 lbs., which is bigger than the average 32 week baby but he's been measuring big pretty much since Week 19 so I'm not really surprised. At the rate of 1/2 a pound a week, with around 8 weeks left, we're looking at a 9+ pound baby. Did I mention he's also got a big head? The circumference wasn't that big, but the diameter was, if that makes sense. I'm in for loads of fun with this one. That is, unless my cyst decides to be in the way and we schedule a C-section, which is a possibility.

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