Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Curtains

Ikea was awesome today. We brought our floor plans with us and got everything figured out! We're going to end up spending a near fortune (or about as much as our sofa is going to cost lol) there when all is said and done, but it's going to be so worth it to have an awesome, non-hand-me-down house with plenty of storage :) After Ikea, we headed over to the house because I had picked out some magnetic strips to store knives and I wanted to put them up. Turns out, and they DO NOT say this on the outside of the package anywhere, they don't come with any type of mounting hardware. Super lame. We didn't find that out until we were at the house and had opened the package. Dan will pick something up tomorrow while he's waiting for the electrician to call/come over. In the meantime, I did switch out the curtains in the kitchen to my set and they look awesome!

I'm also a super huge dork and had fun with the new TV, my computer, and a VGA cable XD The new TV has all kinds of inputs on the back and basically will let me use it as a second monitor. I totally tried it out and watched CSI this morning before Baptism Prep and then when Dan got up we watched the episode of Bones we missed this past week. The sound still comes out of the computer speakers, but if you're not moving around or anything the volume is just fine. I tried to turn my computer around and face the TV and take a picture with the webcam, but it wouldn't let me :-/ Well, I just tried on Facebook, I didn't actually try with PhotoBooth.

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