Monday, March 21, 2011

Happiness is: Size 11 Bamboo Circular Needles

Seriously. I love the feel of bamboo needles. I now own two pairs, both circular. One is a size 6 and the newest is size 11. Biiiig difference lol. The 11's are now the largest needles I own and I really dig the way they feel in my hands. Both because they're bamboo and because of their size. I finished the second mitten I was working on, but the pair still feels like it's a child-size. I bought fatter yarn a few weeks ago and just got these size 11's to further increase my gauge. I'm only 10 rows in, maybe that much, but I'm already soooooo much happier with the size difference. I don't know what the original writer of the pattern was using, but it was waaaaay off for me, even following the directions exactly. At least I have experience with holding the yarn double now, which was something new and not at all as hard as I was expecting. I like this new yarn I got, it's not the same wool-acrylic ratio as the Patons (which I think was 50-50), but it's soft and fluffy. It's also a lot darker than the other yarn, which I'm sure will be fine, it's close enough to the original and not a crazy color like orange or something.

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