Saturday, March 12, 2011

Designer At Heart

I have been so excited to pick out paint colors, flooring, and now furniture for the new house! I think I might have been an interior designer in a previous life. We ended up deciding on a sectional because a Chair and 1/2 + a sofa/love-seat wouldn't have fit. Today we went to the house and measured the rooms for a layout and then went back to Value City to see the furniture we liked and get those measurements (they are very handy on the back of the price tags). The best use of space in our case would be the sectional seen above, a sofa + a love-seat. We decided not to do an ottoman and get a coffee table instead. Because the arms of the couch are so high (a feature we LOVE), side tables would be awkward to access (about as awkward as "awkward" is to type) and we eat/drink in front of the TV on a regular basis, so a place to hold our cups is a necessity.

Once we got home and we were looking at our layouts with possible furniture in them, we also took a look at the bedroom and what we want to do in there. Our bed frame is from Ikea (love that place) so the dimensions were already online (yay). Since there are no closets, we have to get creative with clothes storage. Ikea has really cool customizable wardrobe pieces where you buy the shell and put whatever you what inside, you could do all racks for hanging clothes or half racks and half shelves. They even have a thing on their website (which broke halfway through yesterday) that lets you design your wardrobe and then print out a list of everything you'll need to make it happen.

I've been all over the Ikea website for the last two weekends, I pretty much have it down for what I want to get, but I need to see it all in person. Tomorrow, after Baptism Class and Mass, we'll be heading up to Ikea to check all this stuff out. I can't wait to get in the store, I haven't been in a long time!

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