Thursday, March 17, 2011


These are my daffodils. Well, they're not really mine, they just grow next to our walkway. They've been coming up every spring since we've been here and this will be the last spring that I see them It's just this one section, no other ones pop up anywhere else on our walkway. There are way more in the front of the house, but these are ours. They've been slowly opening since Sunday or Monday, and today they were finally all in full bloom, just in time for the really nice weather. Today was 68 and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70's! This is my favorite time of the year, when we get to break out our warm weather clothes, but it's not stifling hot yet.

Tomorrow is my dreaded glucose test. I don't dread it because I think it'll tell me I have diabetes (which I don't think I do) but because it's at least 3 hours long and they have to draw my blood at least 3 times (I don't know if they'll draw once before the drink for a control or something) and I have to fast 8 hours prior to the test in addition to during the test. I asked my doc and she said I could have water which is good, but still, we're looking at nearly 12 hours (or longer) without food. I've done it before, when I was sleeping. This time I'll be awake for all of it. I'm taking knitting and my iPod with me. I have several hours worth of podcasts and I charged it all day today so it's ready to go. I also grabbed a new skein of yarn so if I finish the current project (which I'm thinking will probably happen) I can cast on the new one. I'm headed off to bed now (10 minutes to 8) so I can wake up early and eat a big breakfast before I have to start fasting. Appointment is at 2:30pm, which means I have to start fasting at 6:30am (thank you military time for helping me figure that one out). It does mean that I don't have to pack a lunch for work tomorrow, so there's a silver lining I guess. I went to bed super early last night (6:30ish) and had no problems getting up today, also haven't been as tired today as I have been the last couple of days. I think I was jet lagged from Daylight Savings Time and the long sleep last night helped shake me out of it.

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