Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Frag Wipes!

I know that by "frag" they mean "fragrance", but I thought the sign was funny. I stopped by Babies 'R Us today to pick up a maternity support belt. I've had random and various hip/leg pains and I still had a gift card, so I figured at the very least, I could continue to avoid back pain. They didn't have the exact belt I was looking for, but they have something close and it seems like it will help a little bit. I'll give it a try at work tomorrow, which is one of my busy days.

Also it turns out I've been having Braxton Hicks. That's not new, not exactly anyway. I talked with my doctor yesterday about what I thought were Braxton Hicks, turns out I was mixed up. After she told me what they're like, I didn't think I'd actually had anything like that yet. Then I had one this afternoon in the car. What turned out to be Braxton Hicks I thought was the baby moving a certain way. I thought the baby was shifting his body to the front of my stomach, and this has been going on for weeks sporadically. Today I realized that it wasn't the baby moving, it was my whole stomach contracting, because my whole stomach was hard and then faded. It finally clicked today that those were really Braxton Hicks.

Side note: Jerk Alert. Hard to see in this picture because it's my cell phone, but the lady in front of the white sign is smoking. Not completely unusual except that there is only one door in and out of the store and she is right next to it. Since the majority of the customers going in that store are pregnant women and children, she's really inconsiderate. Inconsiderate people piss me off. She hadn't quite lit up when I walked out, but she was pulling her cig out of the box and I could see her smoking from my car as I was getting ready to leave.

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