Friday, February 18, 2011

Yay For Sales!

What started as a trip to the mall for a new baby ring (yes, the claddagh is too small already), ended as a trip through Motherhood's sale racks. They were having an amazing sale, most of their stuff was either buy-one-get-one-free or buy-one-get-one-50%-off! I got this adorable dress and a free pair of pants to wear to work! I'm super happy about the work pants because I needed another pair, both of the ones I got for Christmas are black and a lot of my maternity tops are also black, so lots of black all around. This new pair is gray which means I can get away with my black tops and not feel like I should be working backstage at a theatre ;) I also got the Boppy wedge pillow. I've wanted one for a while and the price was good. I'm to the point where I definitely am starting to need the tummy support at night and almost to the point where I'm not supposed to sleep on my back anymore (that starts in the 3rd trimester).

I love this dress! It's really comfy in addition to be adorable. Why can't regular clothes be as cute AND comfortable as maternity clothes? Why are some things uncomfortable and cute or comfortable and hideous? Why are maternity clothes the only place those two things merge? I'm very happy with choosing clothes over a ring, the jewelry stores at the mall had some ok stuff to choose from, but mostly in the $45-$50 range which is more than I'm willing to spend on a ring I'll only be wearing for a few months and that I could possibly grow out of before the baby's born. Clothes and pillows are a whole other ballgame though, I got three things for the price of one of one of the rings I looked at today and all of the stuff can be used post-baby.

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