Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl = Cleaning the apartment!

Waiting for the floor to dry.

What started out as "just sweep and swiffer the bathroom/kitchen" has turned into a full-blown overhaul of the apartment. Dan's out at a Superbowl party. Originally I was going to go, because I'm not one to turn down free food, pregnant or not, but when I realized how late it was going to start/end and with school tomorrow, I decided not to. I've been meaning to clean the apartment anyway, I just figured I'd do it in bits and pieces with my back getting tired quickly now and with overheating being so much easier. Once I get started cleaning though, I see how quickly I get it done and I think, "Wow, that only took 15 minutes, I could also vacuum and mop. It's been a while since the kitchen got mopped..." etc.

Currently, I'm taking a cool down break with my water bottle while the fan blows on the kitchen floor to dry it faster (I can't vacuum the living room until I put everything back in the kitchen). If it's not dry soon, I'll move to packing up clothes that have been sitting in the closet that I haven't touched pretty much since we moved in. I think it's a safe bet I won't need them for a while ;) I'll also be packing up a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes as they no longer fit and aren't likely to fit before we find a house. Dan's mom has been bringing over boxes that are good for clothes, not too big, not too small. They'll be good for DVDs too, if I can bring myself to pack those up. Between Netflix and Hulu, I haven't been watching a whole lot of DVDs. But then again, my dad has been using us like Blockbuster and the TV in our room is hooked to the DVD player and not Netflix, so I'm torn. I can put off packing them for a while.

All clean!

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