Thursday, February 24, 2011

Still waiting on the house...

We put the bid in, it's been accepted. We had it inspected, that went well (especially compared to the last one!). We added an addendum to the contract about the minimal repairs that needed to be made and...we're still waiting to hear back from their realtor. It's driving me crazy because we've been saying that we're fine with settling before March 4th and if this realtor drags their feet much longer, we won't actually be settling early! Dan and I decided that we would take the whole month of March to update the house and move stuff over anyway, but still, without the keys in my hand, I can't say that it's our house. I also feel like if it falls through like the last one, we may not have enough time to keep looking and settle on something else before the baby's born. Dan talked to our realtor to see if she's heard anything and even though attempts have been made to get in touch with the selling realtor, nobody has heard anything from them. So we don't know if the sellers agreed to our addendum (which was just to knock a couple thousand off the price so we can just make the repairs ourselves) or what's going on. It's not an estate sale, short sale, or foreclosure but for whatever reason apparently there are 3 official sellers. I don't know if that means their names are all on the deed or what, but I do know that's why it took several days to get the first bid approved, they all had to sign the contracts.

I like this house, it's much smaller than the last one, but that means that it won't cost as much to heat and cool. The yard is also really, really nice and it's a great size for both a dog and expanding the house. One day down the road when we need more space we can easily add an upstairs to the house (as long as the foundation can support it, but the neighboring houses have done it already so I imagine the foundation is probably fine), or we can move and keep the house to rent. There's a lot of military in the area and when you rent through one of their agencies, you know that your property will be taken care of because there will be consequences at work for them if they don't take care of the place. So we have lots of possibilities with this place and I would really, really like to be holding the keys and standing out front with a SOLD sign very soon!

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