Monday, February 28, 2011

38 Things

I still have a hard time believing that I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant! When I first started using the 3d pregnancy calendar on, I wasn't even 8 weeks along (more like 6). I would do my best not to skip ahead and see what was coming up. Now I'm 28 weeks (today) and can't believe I'm going to be looking into the 30's soon! Both Orson and I have changed a lot and a whole lot has been going on in our lives in these last 20 weeks.

I'm a fan of stealing things from other peoples' blogs. It's faster than having original thoughts and today, I don't have much in the way of original thoughts. A friend of mine posted this particular blog entry on Facebook today, The Single Girl's Checklist. It was actually borrowed from yet another blog, so my using it makes it third-generation borrowed or something like that. What I liked about this version was not only did she add her own to the list (it was originally 36 things), but she also put when she completed various items on the list. So here's my version of the checklist, even though I'm married :)
  1. Go to a movie alone.
  2. Lift weights.
  3. Try surfing, water skiing or some other activity you don’t already know how to do.
  4. Take out the trash. - Done, 2008 onward
  5. Do your taxes - Done in 2011 for 2010 taxes (always confuses me)
  6. Build a bookcase.
  7. Live alone.
  8. Train for and finish a huge physical test like a half-marathon.
  9. Go to a scary doctor's appointment by yourself.
  10. Quit your job. - Done, March 25th 2009 (coming up on the 2nd anniversary)
  11. Fly to a foreign country by yourself.
  12. Learn to stand up for yourself. - Mostly done, it's happening slowly
  13. Witness something once-in-a-lifetime.
  14. Revel in being able to watch all the reality television you want. - Yup
  15. Get drunk during the day, just because you can.
  16. Go on a date with someone who actually makes you nervous. - Married him
  17. Go out with an older man who takes you somewhere nice and makes you feel like a million bucks. - Married him :)
  18. Go out with a guy who makes you laugh til it hurts. - Married him, lol
  19. Be a good wingwoman. It’s not always about you.
  20. Chill with your widowed and single grandma. She knows “alone.” - I chill with her all the time
  21. Volunteer. - Every year since 2001
  22. Do at least one Valentine's Day alone. - All of high school
  23. Attend a wedding (or 15) alone.
  24. Date the creeps. You’ll really value the nice guys afterward.
  25. Buy yourself some flowers.
  26. Invest in a LBD and some sexy stilettos. - Done, always buying LBDs, sexy stilettos in 2007
  27. Sit at a bar by yourself and drink a martini.
  28. Buy something frivolous and expensive that you LOVE wearing.
  29. Finish all your schooling if you can. - Done, BS in Film 2007
  30. Throw yourself into something time-consuming, like learning a foreign language.
  31. Make a list of all your faults.
  32. Learn to cook well.
  33. Get some hobbies. - Done, now I just need time for them...
  34. Let your married friends edit your online dating profile.
  35. Get your finances in order.
  36. Babysit someone’s baby for an hour.
  37. Help a friend through a bad divorce or breakup. - Done and done
  38. Host a girls only night. Some coupled-up women forget how much we need each other. - OMG need another one soon! Last one was in early 2010!

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