Monday, January 10, 2011

New Appreciation for Veggies

I am not a veggie person. I never have been. Not a huge fan of fruit either. It wasn't really an issue until I got pregnant when suddenly I became responsible for someone else's health besides my own. I have an allergy issue that makes it uncomfortable to eat raw fruits and veggies, on top of my own picky-ness about textures of foods. So getting the amount of vitamins and things pregnant women are supposed to have has been interesting. I haven't come anywhere close, besides feeling guilty. It's not like I eat crap 24/7. We eat out yes, but we also make meals at home. They could be more balanced, yes, but who's dinner couldn't use more balance?

I was on my favorite podcast's website (Pregtastic) and they have a section of books they recommend. That was when I stumbled on both books shown in my picture. The cookbook looks amazing and I can't wait to start making the recipes. The soups especially appeal to me as a way to get my veggies in because most of them call for pureeing the soups before cooking. Not only can I get out of my whole texture thing, but I can also cook the veggies and therefore avoid the allergy problem!

I also got the drink book because it's got a whole bunch of recipes for "mock-tails" that look totally delicious. I can have a drink with the girls and not have a shred of guilt because I'm not actually drinking. I'm also not constantly ordering Shirley Temples which is also very nice. I do like virgin daiquiris. I drank them a lot before I turned 21--to the point where I don't like their alcoholic versions, I actually like them better as fruit smoothies.

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