Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Dancing Phalanges!"

I can't say enough about how much I love Netflix. I love the Instant Que especially but I also love that it's available on the Xbox and my computer. As a film major who has had trouble picking movies to watch, Netflix makes my decisions both super easy and enables me to be super lazy. I can sit on the couch and if I don't like the movie I put on, or decide to watch something else, I can just take the controller and choose something else, all the while Netflix will remember where I stopped in case I decide to come back. It has been a very big comfort to me during this pregnancy, allowing me to sit on the couch, eating ice cream out of the carton, and thoroughly enjoy being pregnant and lazy.

Our current favorite show is Bones. Dan and I are being very good about only watching it while the other is present (we have a tendency to blow through TV shows, especially since our schedules are different and have large gaps of free time) and I like that because while we are on Season 4 out of 5 on Netflix, it took a lot longer to get here than any other show. We're taking our time and enjoying it, savoring it is more like it. I find Brennan absolutely hysterical, her straight-forwardness and lack of social skills make for some very interesting scenes. The addition of John Francis Daily's character was an excellent choice, even if the pretense of keeping him was kind of thin, and I like seeing Stephen Fry at brief intervals randomly through the show. The cycle of new interns keeps things fresh, and both Dan and I have our favorites (the Depressed Intern is both of our favorites, but I also like the British guy and Dan likes Carter). I hope Netflix adds more seasons to the Instant Que soon!

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