Sunday, May 29, 2011

My mom is awesome

My mom and sister came over to visit and see Joey and my mom dropped off a copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding for me! It's the latest edition of La Leche League's comprehensive book and I look forward to reading through it :) I've just glanced through it so far and already picked up several things I like.

I'm so incredibly lucky to have such strong breastfeeding support on both sides of the family. I've read horror stories about what other women have to put up with from their families, including immediate families (mom, brother, etc.). So far, I haven't been met with any real opposition or nasty comments about breastfeeding. I've had people I barely know ask if I'm using formula or breastfeeding, but I'll proudly let anybody who asks know that we're breastfeeding.

I'll write more another time, right now I'm tired and ready for bed. Joey was awake a lot today, I'm hoping it means that he'll take his super long nap at night finally!

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