Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Cookout

Joey slept amazing last night! He went down at 11pm, woke up to eat and be changed at 3am, was ok being put back in his bassinet around 3:30am (as opposed to a full hour later last other nights), and then slept all the way until 7am! We had Cheryl and Momma Marlene stop by and visit today which was awesome! Momma Marlene brought a book for me called How Do You Tuck In A Superhero?. It's about raising boys and I've started flipping through it during nursing sessions, it looks pretty awesome. The woman who wrote it has 5 boys and a sense of humor that I can absolutely identify with, I can't wait to continue reading this book!

Later, we went over to my parents for the traditional Memorial Day cookout and pool opening celebration. My dad opens the pool Memorial Day Weekend, and it's usually way too cold to swim in, but my brother and sister have always gotten in anyway. This year, both my parents floated around in the big green inner tube. I'm still not allowed to get submerged, not that I wanted to with water that cold anyway. I did stand on the steps up to my knees and it felt good because even at 6pm it was 98 degrees outside and my parents' AC wasn't working :-P

We're back home now, in the comfort of our single AC window unit (we're hopefully getting another one soon) and I will definitely be taking a cool shower to get rid of all this sweat.

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