Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who took my newborn and left me this big baby?!

Joey turned 3 months yesterday, holy cow! Where has the time gone?? Summer is winding down, I've headed back to work, and I can't believe that my baby isn't a newborn anymore :( Each new phase is so cute and interesting. He's much more interactive, much more vocal, and sooo smiley! He's getting into a routine now that's fairly predictable. It's not a schedule, more of a rhythm. Depending on when he goes down for the night, he'll wake up 1-2 times in the middle of the night and then a few hours later when the sun comes up. Sometimes he's awake for a little while, sometimes he goes right back to sleep but by that time I'm wide awake and I'll stay up and knit or read. Once he wakes up again, he's hungry and usually after he eats he's up for a couple of hours. This is when he's at his happiest, when he talks the most, when he smiles the most, because his tummy is full and he's well rested. Some days he takes long naps during the day, sometimes it's only 20 minutes at a time. In the evenings, he gets cranky more easily, sometimes he fights sleep (but he can't resist the swing! The swing always gets him to sleep when he's fighting it!), sometimes he just wants to comfort nurse. He has started staring intently at the TV (he loves faces) and so I make sure that we turn it off for a while (usually after Dan goes to work) and play or do chores without the background noise of electronics. Then Dan comes home and we have dinner and eventually Joey is too sleepy to fight it and goes down for the night between 9-11pm.

Joey's thinking about lunch ;)

Sleeping babies are the sweetest!

Oh hai there!

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