Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another Lazy Sunday

Aside from Joey waking up every 45 minutes between 1:30am and 7am this morning, today was pretty awesome. At 7, I just put him in bed next to me where, after 20 minutes of playing, he fell asleep and then stayed asleep until 10 or so, finally giving me a solid chunk of sleeping time. I want him to get used to sleeping in his pack 'n play because when the weather cools down, it will go back into his room and not be outside our door anymore. Granted, I'll still use the monitor and get up to feed him when I hear him fussing, but he won't be as close to us anymore. I love co-sleeping, but we only have a queen size bed and bed-sharing for longer than a few hours of light sleeping scares the living daylights out of me. Especially because Dan still elbows me in the face while he's sleeping, and I'm a full grown adult.

Our only venture out of the house today was Mass where Joey both needed to eat and a fresh diaper before Communion even started. The remainder of the day was spent cooling ourselves on the couch with the AC on and marathoning Star Trek Voyager. All in all, a pretty good day :) Joey has been practicing rolling over, from his back to his front. He can get to his side pretty quickly, but his elbow does him in and he doesn't know how to deal with his arm getting in the way. Occasionally, he can get enough momentum to roll over his arm and when he does, he gets the biggest proud-of-himself smile on his face! It's so cute, though it's only a matter of time before he's mobile and we have to baby-proof the house.

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