Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I fought The Lace and The Lace did NOT win!

Rivulet is my first venture into lace knitting. The pattern doesn't call for a lace weight yarn, but a yarn slightly heavier. I was actually able to start this project with materials I already had, which was awesome. I was thinking I'd had to buy yarn but at the last minute I looked through my stash and found a whole skein that would be perfect for the project. Technically, it's baby yarn, but it seems to be knitting up nicely. After I ripped out the first 3 rows several times (I believe I'm on my 7th attempt at this scarf) and got past the yarn that I had re-knit with, it became less splitty. It's still kind of splitty, but not nearly where it was when I was redoing the first several rows that had been ripped out. This is a "Nap Time Knit" because it actually requires that I pay attention to the chart and what I'm doing. It's not a mindless knit that I can memorize and work on while Joey's awake and needs things. So I can really only knit it while he's sleeping or while Dan's home to help. Right now, Joey has woken up from his nap, but currently seems to be fine entertaining himself in his crib. He hasn't cried or fussed yet, so we'll see how long he seems happy. It's definitely not a bad thing that he get used to his crib. Right now, he's trying to roll over, lol.


  1. Just the thought of trying to knit lace with a small baby near by gives me chills. You are a brave woman ^__^

  2. I'll definitely be hiding my knitting away once he's reaching and grabbing things intentionally! I've got a little while yet before he's at that stage.
