Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Thankfully, Irene was hyped up by the media to be a bigger storm than it actually was. There was far less damage than anticipated for pretty much all the states in her path. There was lots of damage where Irene made landfall, don't get me wrong, but significantly less than the media was thinking there would be. I got some non-perishables Wednesday or Thursday, things we wouldn't have to cook if we lost power. By Friday night and Saturday afternoon, store shelves were bare in the bottled water and toilet paper aisles. Apparently, hurricanes are also laxatives because people think they're going to be trapped in their bathrooms for 5 weeks. We hunkered down Saturday night and awaited the storm. It was windy and rainy here, but I think we've had some worse thunderstorms lately to be honest. The only reason so many people lost power is because of how big the storm was, how much area it covered, and how long it lasted. We lost power for a minute or two Saturday night but it came right back on. I put Joey in his basket from his bassinet on our bed (Dan had no problems sleeping on the couch and playing the 360 until he was tired) so even if we lost power, I could still hear him and feed him.

Dan's family didn't have it as easy as we did. They live down a no-outlet community with TONS of trees everywhere. Dan's mom ended up spending Sunday night with us because she couldn't get home from work Sunday morning, there were downed trees and power lines blocking the entrance to the road! By today it had been cleared and she could go home, but they still didn't have power so frozen and refrigerated things came to live and be cooked at our house for dinner.

Word of the Week: Hurriquake

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