Saturday, September 18, 2010

Renn Fest and Lesson Plans

Renn Fest: Take 2. Met up with some of the friends from last week and some different ones. Got to carry my friend's baby around all day, so it was pretty good ;) This is his older daughter, watching us get ready to throw some knives. Such good examples, aren't we?

Now I'm on to lesson plans for next week, if I can get caught up, then I can do one lesson plan a day, and not have to do them all at once like I did this week. Procrastination is only fun until it's over. I'm excited though, I figured out what the big projects are going to be for several of the classes. The good thing is that since some of the grades are split into two classes (girls and boys), I only have to do a lesson plan for the grade instead of each class. Problem is, I still have K - 8, so 9 grades total. K is taken care of, talked to their teacher and found out what they'd be talking about next week and she helped me pick out a video for them to watch. Love simplicity. I'm also planning on making as much of my classes about problem solving on your own as I can. I'll give them instructions and guidance, but for the most part, I definitely won't be holding their hand walking them through everything!

So far, this is what I've got for big projects:
8th: Blog about graduation that everyone contributes to at least once a week, this way, the whole class puts internet safety into action
7th: Promotional project (done in small groups) about the school, video, PowerPoint, etc. Their choice.
6th: Podcast (not to be put online, but made available to the school) done in the format of a radio program, news, recent events, etc. Parts are done by different small groups
5th: ?
4th: ?
3rd: ?
2nd: Posters about internet safety to be put up around school. Each child will make their own poster.
1st: ?
K: we'll probably just spend the semester reading and watching movies. Will coordinate with their teacher about anything else.

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