Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mac Love

Ok, so I've only had 3 full official work days so far. But, there are moments when I really do, truly, love my job. This morning was one of those moments. I plan on using Mavis Beacon as part of my curriculum for all of the middle schoolers (and possibly some elementary schoolers) and today I installed it on all of the MacBooks we use. I had a whole system down and with no classes today to interrupt me, it was beautiful. For first period. After I finished with the laptops, I knew I had to tackle...


This picture does not do it justice, it really is a scary thing to behold. Each and every one of those books not only has not been put into the computer inventory, but they haven't even been bar-coded or organized or anything! I've been told there are some great, new, up-to-date books in there, and that have been in there for a very long time, they've just never been touched. This was the kind of thing where, if I had applied and gotten this job before the summer (or over the summer), I could have worked on it and probably even gotten it to a reasonable point of cleanliness. But as it is, I have classes to teach, IT stuff to learn (so that the IT guy doesn't have to make as many trips out to the campus for "I can't find my toolbar"), and apparently book fairs to plan. Days like today with no classes and only one lunch duty help, but it's still going to take me months.

I also found out today that just because a book has a bar code on it (as in for our library's inventory), doesn't mean it's in the system. Not only that, I also found out that just because a book has a bar code and is on the shelves already, doesn't mean it's in the system. I have absolutely no reasonable way of knowing which of the hundreds of books need my attention or not. Other than the Insane Closet of Doom, I know with complete certainty that that needs my attention.

I'm going to be alphabetizing and Dewy-ing in my sleep. I have my work cut out for me.

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