Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It's almost 0500 and Joey is wide awake, thus I am awake. If he doesn't show signs of falling asleep soon, I'm passing him off to Dan so I can go back to bed.

The sidecar has been up for just over a week now and I have definitely noticed a difference in my amount/quality of sleep. Joey still wants to use me as a pacifier all night long (and I still try to give him an actual pacifier and he's having none of it), but because I don't have to get up, we both fall back asleep pretty easily. Most of the time. This morning, I had to go to the bathroom. Joey was hungry and eating and when I put him down, apparently he was done and ended up waking up all the way and that was over a half an hour ago. So now he's playing happily in his chair while I type.

Most nights I can just nurse him and we both go right back to sleep, even if he's up every hour, I still wake up in the morning feeling more rested than when he was in the PnP. I've noticed that Joey has also started sleeping in slightly longer increments too, which is awesome. Still not nearly what he was doing before teeth, but still better than every hour. He also wakes up for good every morning right at 0730, so not too much sleeping in for me, but better than nothing.

Now he's fussing, maybe we can go back to bed...

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