Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trial Work Day

I was gone for about 5 hours to get ready to go back for full shifts on Friday and Saturday this week. Joey did much better this time around than he did the last time I was gone this long. He didn't eat quite so much, although Dan said that he did want to comfort suck, and he actually slept. I managed to pump twice while I was gone and got almost as much as Joey ate (I was off by about an ounce) so I was right on in the spacing of my pumping sessions and for how long they were. Joey definitely wanted to snuggle and nurse when I got home and I didn't object! He even let me put him down in the swing for a little while--after a couple of hours of non-stop snuggling first. As soon as Joey heard my voice, he started crying while Dan was holding him and didn't stop until he was in my arms. He was perfectly happy being held by Daddy until he realized that Mommy was finally home. No rooting, no signs of hunger that normally precede the crying, just instant cries that stop once I have him. He started rooting while I had him, so we nursed and he smiled and stared at me and at Daddy like, "Ha! Now I have Mommy!" It's so nice to be loved ;)

Joey is sleeping now, on our bed. He and I went down in an attempt to nap around 8, but he only slept on and off until 9 which is when he stayed asleep. I was awake on and off when he was, but I didn't get to stay asleep at 9 because that was when Dan came home. It's now nearly 11 and Joey is still sleeping. I'm hoping he's not down for the night because, even though he slept 11-6 last night, him going to bed early means he gets up early. Despite me turning the big light on, going through mail (which I'll be talking about tomorrow hopefully), and talking with Dan, Joey is out like a light. This kid really is a champion sleeper!

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