Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mmm, Panera

Panera for dinner again. Another late meeting at work. I'm in the very back of the restaurant, and was by myself in this section for a while. But they must have filled up (there's a wall blocking my view of the rest of the tables) because people came back to sit in my section. Two old ladies sat at the table right next to mine talking about contractors who owe them money or something. I started off the evening by visiting Wal Mart in search of some cheap maternity clothes. What I found was that the Wal Mart near work doesn't even have a maternity section! I did find a sweater and some long sleeve T's that I can wear to work for a while, which was good because I need some more tops to wear to work. After that disappointing trip (and wandering through the baby section), I headed over to Panera where I've been hidden in the back surfing the internet. I would be grading projects, but I don't have a pen, and I would be watching Netflix or Hulu but I don't have headphones (or decent internet for streaming), so surfing and blogging is what I've been doing the last hour and a half.

My next OB appointment is two weeks from today, today also marks 12 Weeks, or as I like to call it "the last full week of the first trimester", but that's a little long. This time next week I will officially be in my second trimester! Time feels like it's passing slowly and quickly. The weekend always feels like it should arrive much sooner, but I'm always amazed that I've made it to another weekend already! I found out about the baby around week 5 or 6, and I'm now twice that far along! There are long periods of time in the day where I don't even realize I'm pregnant (that will change when I start to show), but I never go a full day without thinking about the baby. So each day can drag on and fly by at the same time (Monday sure flew) which is what each week does. I can't believe I'm almost in my second trimester already, I know I'll probably start showing soon. I get cramps every time the baby gets bigger (no movement that I can feel yet though), but that's just because my body is making space so Baby can grow.

I brought a pregnancy magazine with me to Panera (another thing the prenatal program sent me) but I didn't feel like whipping it out with people sitting next to me. It's not strangers' business that I'm pregnant and if I get unsolicited advice from people I don't know, I can't guarantee polite things will come out of my mouth. I already told Dan that if strangers touch my stomach when I get bigger, I'm touching theirs right back. If they ask first, I'll ask if I can touch theirs. I don't see what about being pregnant (or toting a baby around) makes it socially acceptable to invade someone's bubble and touch them (or ask to hold the baby). I will answer questions if they are general and polite, but if they get personal (will you be vaccinating, breastfeeding, etc.) I'm going to tell them that it's none of their business. I'll be polite the first time, and if I get people who feel like they need to tell me or need to find out, I'm not staying polite. Because sometimes people don't know they're being rude, and I don't have a problem letting them know if a question is rude or too personal. I think a lot of the time, we're too polite in that we don't let someone know if a behavior or comment is none of their business, how can people learn if they're not told? Someone has to tell them, and I'm totally ok with being that someone if the stranger starts it.

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