Monday, October 29, 2012

Hunkering Down for the Hurricane

According to local media, we're currently in the throws of Hurricane Sandy. Last night when I checked the weather line for work, the message reported that they would be under "normal operating conditions" for Monday but those who had leave saved up had approval to use it. Since I'm saving up as much of my leave time as possible for when I go out on maternity, I went in. Got up early, packed my lunch, rocked Joey back to sleep (he woke up again before I left so Daddy had to cuddle him while I finished getting ready), headed to work. Not surprisingly, the parking lot was bare. Several co-workers called in and said they'd be using their leave, I didn't blame them, I would be too if I had any to spare. Thankfully that early in the day, it was just rain and no wind. Eventually, the decision was made for everyone to leave no later than noon and not to worry about coming in tomorrow (Tuesday). Since I got some hours in this morning, I may not have to use leave for tomorrow if I can make up the remaining hours and hit 40 by Friday.

I got home around 11:30 and Joey was happy to see me. He pretty much spent the whole day with me or as much as he possibly could. For the rest of the morning and early afternoon, the weather stayed mostly just rainy. I took advantage of still having power and got through as many dirty dishes as I could and two loads of laundry. If we do lose power, at least we'll have clean underwear ;) I also took the opportunity to go through the diaper bag and clean it out, a desperately needed task. Once it was clean and re-stocked, I added a change of clothes for Joey and some pajamas, just in case. Tomorrow I'll pack a bag for me just to be ready. We wouldn't go anywhere if we lose power, but I've seen some pictures already from facebook friends of fallen trees in their neighborhoods and if, God forbid, that happens to us, we will be finding shelter elsewhere. My labor bag is also packed and (nearly) ready to go; it has been for a couple of weeks now. It would totally be like one of my kids to decide to come while the weather is absolutely atrocious and the governor of the state ordered everybody to stay off the roads. It's not like an ambo would be much safer in these high winds either.

Keeping Joey (and Dan) entertained is going to be interesting. When the weather is good, they play outside a lot while I'm at work. They also play inside a lot, but even when it's cold or slightly rainy, they will at least get to run errands to get out of the house. Today and tomorrow, that option won't be there, and nobody knows about Wednesday. Thankfully, while we still have power and internet, I got some ideas off Pinterest and from some of the moms in my due date club. I want to have enough ideas as backups for if/when the power goes out and I can't put on Curious George to have 20 minutes of quiet time. Hmm, maybe we should invest in a few episodes of George from iTunes that we can put on the iPod...

My feet are slightly swollen for the first time this entire pregnancy. I could tell certain shoes were feeling a little tight but no obvious signs of swelling beyond that. I've felt it a little bit in my fingers but nothing you can look at and go "your hands are swollen". Today my right foot was obviously slightly swollen. Probably because of how much I was doing today and how little water I drank in comparison. I passed Joey off to Dan, grabbed my water bottle and a snack and am now sitting in bed with my feet up. I started to get some Braxton Hicks contractions, not regular or in any kind of pattern but enough close enough together to remind me that I'm still pregnant and should be taking it easy.

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