Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First OB Appointment :)

 Say hello to Baby Gibson! :) I was very excited for our first appointment today, even if there was a chance we would have to go to a radiology place for the sonograms. Luckily, the doctor had machines in the office and they were ready for us! We got to see a couple different views of the baby, and s/he was even dancing around during the second view (above), so active, must have been the Mountain Dew I had with lunch ;) This view is of the baby's back, s/he turned after dancing, but before the final dance number, we got to see the heart beating. It was so awesome! The doctor said that after 8 weeks, with a normal heartbeat like we saw, the chances of miscarriage are very slim. Such a huge relief for me! I love my doctor, she's a pro-life, NFP only doctor, which is super cool, she also found out that our current health insurance has a super high deductible that restarts at the first of the year. So the cultures and tests that could wait to be sent out, are going to wait until January--because they're expensive and right now, we'd have to pay for them. So we're only going to get billed for the blood tests that had to be run, which won't be terribly expensive, and I have time to find out if the insurance will cover lab work or not. I also had to pay for the office visit today, which wasn't too bad at $150, and the doctor said that she would talk to the receptionist and for the monthly visits after this, since we'll just be checking the baby's heartbeat, they could probably charge around co-pay price, $20 or $30, instead of the normal $50 (for people without insurance or deductibles like mine). She also gave me tons of free samples for the pre-natal vitamins because they're expensive. I had gotten some from Trader Joe's but they're huge and really, really gross. So she gave me some "Flintstones flavored" chewables, yay :) We'll be delivering at GBMC and there are 3 other OBs in the practice, but since we're an NFP family, Doc likes to make sure that--baring vacation or something--she's the one who delivers her NFP patients. We'll meet the other docs, but she's going to do her best to be the one that delivers Baby G. :)

Just for fun, Baby Gibson's first "profile pic" ;)  (our first view)

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