Sunday, September 4, 2011

One Year of Posts

Dan, Joey, and I just got back from my parents' Labor Day party. One year ago to the day, I was sitting in our apartment writing my first post for this blog. I didn't make it to a picture every day, or even a post every day, but I got pretty dang close (this is post number 292) and this blog now has twice the posts of my other two blogs combined! It seems setting a goal for myself worked enough to keep me motivated and keep me posting. I think the trouble with the other blog was that if there wasn't anything "exciting" going on, I wouldn't post, whereas this I posted about anything and everything that I'm doing. It's been really awesome to go back and look at my old posts to see what I was up to 6 months ago or whatever.

Last year, when I started the blog, life was completely different. We were living in our apartment, I was interviewing for a new job, and in general having a lot of fun hanging out with friends. Now we have a house and an almost-four-month-old! Dan has an interview for a new job in a couple of weeks and we are praying that he gets it because it would mean I could stay home with Joey and just work on Dan's days off. I wouldn't trade any of the last year for all the money in the world. Yes, there were times when we worried about one thing or the other, and yes, this time last year I still had 2 ovaries (and no stretch marks!), but all those little things added up to where we are today: happy, healthy, and thriving.

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