Friday, August 31, 2012


Here is what my pre-natal appointments look like with the midwives (hereafter I will type MWs):

Appointments so far:
5 weeks – I took my tour, made my first appointment
10 weeks – 1st appointment, 1st u/s
16 weeks – 2nd appointment, blood work, 2nd u/s
22 weeks – 3rd appointment, first heard heartbeat (due to tipped uterus), 3rd u/s
28 weeks – 4th appointment, glucose tolerance (that was this week!)

The upcoming schedule looks something like this...
31 weeks – 5th appointment
34 weeks – 6th appointment
36-37 weeks – 7th appointment
38 weeks – 8th appointment
39 weeks – 9th appointment
40 weeks – 10th appointment

I like this schedule a lot better than with the OB. I'll technically have the same number of appointments, give or take, but they're spaced out more so it feels like I'm going less. The appointment yesterday went well. Blood pressure is good, baby's heart rate was good, I had a higher weight gain between last appointment and this one than between any of the others, but I'm still only 4lbs over my pre-pregnancy-with-Joey weight so I'm happy. I also haven't had any issues with swelling yet, but I don't want to jinx myself while it's still warm out ;) Belly measured 31 weeks but baby is also currently breech and that can have an affect on how I measure. I talked to the MWs about baby being breech, since I'm almost 30 weeks and running out of space for flips. They're not too concerned at this point, there is still plenty of time and space for baby to flip. If it starts getting down to the wire, there are several options for us to try before transferring my care to an OB (which would only happen if baby is breech at the end). My ultimate goal is a healthy baby, obviously. My second ultimate goal is not having a c-section. Depending on how the baby is sitting, I may be able to find an OB who will do a regular delivery with a breech baby (baby needs to be butt-first, not feet-first), so we'll see what happens. Still praying that baby flips and stays head-down though, because I want to stay with the MWs and deliver at the birth center.

In Joey news, he's totally a toddler. He's saying lots of words and getting good at mimicking things we do. He's also currently cutting 3 teeth at once! Sleep is intermittent, though the last couple of nights since the teeth finally popped through have been somewhat better. Mac 'n cheese is a current favorite food and Joey really likes trying to feed himself with a fork/spoon like a big boy :) He loves watching Curious George and Blue's Clues on Netflix. I often resort to those after work when I need to get things done around the house, usually works pretty well. He walks and runs everywhere, and if we're in a store he enjoys pulling things off shelves. We don't let him walk around places where he can grab stuff too much right now, though I did let him go where he wanted in BJ's and he mostly stayed in one aisle and ran from one toy to another looking at them. He didn't seem to care for the big open aisles, but preferred the smaller ones where there weren't any people.

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