Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stoney Creek is on The Rise

I am once again having issues getting pictures to this blog, except (for once) it's not Blogger's fault. This time, the Bluetooth connection between my computer and phone is completely failing. I just wanted to get 2 pictures off and only got 1 before the connection just stopped working completely. At least it was the better of the two pictures. We got our first present from our baby registry from Ms. Karen! The second picture would have showed how UPS or FedEx left the box in a plastic bag (it's been raining cats and dogs ALL DAY), but with the open end up so all the water could pool at the bottom of the box. Thankfully, as you can see by the picture, the Boppy comes in a nice heavy plastic bag of its own, so no harm done! Thank goodness it's warm out because otherwise all this rain would have been a blizzard! I drove by Stoney Creek on my way home from work and it was the highest I've ever seen it! There were parts of the peer by the Stoney Creek Inn that were nearly underwater!

Today was the last day of classes this week! We have a "professional development" day tomorrow but that translates into "Teacher Dress Down Day" and that's ok by me. Today my classes were crazy, except the last one. Normally I have the 7th and 8th grade boys at the same time, but 8th Grade had a Travel Fair for their Geography class and I only had the 5 7th grade boys (there are 6 but one is on vacation). It was actually really nice to sit down and work with them on their video projects and have a really chill last class of the day. And then I came home to a surprise package (the picture for today) and that was super awesome. I love surprise packages and I haven't been obsessively checking my registry to see if anybody bought anything so I was completely surprised. I then went and checked the registry to make sure that the Boppy got counted as purchased and saw that someone else bought something too! Amazon keeps track of who bought what off your baby registry so you can send thank you cards. How cool is that for them keep it all organized for you!

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