Monday, October 22, 2012


 As a recent addict of, I find myself with loads and loads of pins on my boards and grand plans to try them one day. I've actually been a member for a while, but wasn't until the nesting bug kicked in more recently that I actually started spending larger amounts of time browsing through pins. I have to say that nesting via Pinterest is much cheaper and easier than shopping or cleaning, it could help explain why I haven't had swelling quite as bad as I did with Joey since I've been sitting so much ;)

So far most of the pins I've actually tried have been recipes, however there have been a couple things that I've managed to do that are unrelated to food. The first was simple: finger paint in a Ziploc bag which was then taped to a hard, flat surface. Joey liked it, but as per usual, is more interested in running around the kitchen because he's not always allowed in there. He did go back to the paint a couple of times, but this one might be a rainy day activity rather than an every day activity to keep him occupied while contained.

The next pin was a way of doing your own manicure with designs. I'd never thought of using Scotch tape to do nail polish designs but it totally works--IF you let the polish dry completely first! My biggest mistake was attempting to do this while Joey was awake and not being patient enough waiting for the nails to dry completely. The other trick I learned was that you can paint a strip of polish on a plastic baggy, then peel the strip off and stick it to your nails (shown in green here)! My strips were pretty fat so I folded them in half and they were much more proportional once I did that (except the stripes on my thumbs I left wide). I think next time I won't be in such a hurry and will let the nails sit for a couple hours between each step to ensure they dry all the way (you finish by topping the whole nail with a coat of clear).

I have also finished a couple other pins but have not taken my own pictures yet, so those will be coming later. In other news...

Joey is a pretty hilarious kid. His personality shows through so well now and he's totally a mix of me and Dan! He's crazy active, loves to play, especially outside with sticks and dirt, but we can usually get him to sit quietly for 20min or so with an episode of Curious George. The words he does say only we really can tell what they are, but that's ok because he's not really supposed to be comprehend-able yet ;) He says "Cheese", "Please", "George", and "Ball" consistently, and then other words that sound very similar to those but we generally aren't sure what he means. He still signs "Please", "More", and "Light" on a daily basis and while I'm trying to introduce more signing vocab as consistently as I can, he's determined not to learn any more than those haha. He also refers to anything that's round as a "ball" whether it's even remotely close to a ball or not. When we went to the pumpkin patch last week, he was super excited to see so many "balls". Food is still an adventure, not surprisingly (if you know us) he likes cheeses, meats, and breads. We're working on fruits and veggies but thankfully toddler nutrition is looked at over the course of a week and not day by day, *phew*. He loooooves mac & cheese. Yesterday Dan made some for lunch and put extra in my bowl so I could share with Joey. I had to stop feeding Joey and send him over to Dan (who had extra in his bowl too) because otherwise I was only going to have a few bites left, he ate a BUNCH! He also started sharing my bagels with me in the mornings when I'm home, especially since he tried my pumpkin spice bagel. I need to go back to BJs and get more, they're sooo good!

Gotta go get ready for work now, already spent way too much time online ;) In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of Joey playing outside with a stick!

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