Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Big Latch On

The Big Latch On is a worldwide event held during World Breastfeeding Week. It is an attempt to break the record for most women breastfeeding simultaneously. My location was the Annapolis Mall. I was very happy not to have to drive into Baltimore City to participate, I was also happy that Joey was cooperative and willingly nursed at the appropriate time. All around the world, women latched on their newborns, infants, and toddlers at 10:30am their time with witnesses recording the final count. It was a wonderful way to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and I'm very glad to have been able to be a part of it this year. I had a blast hanging out and talking with other nursing moms while we waited for 10:30 and even after it was over. That early in the day, the food court wasn't too crowded, although we did get the attention of a random guy who was not related to any of the women in the group. Oh well, if he goes home and someone breastfeeds because he saw us there, then mission accomplished. After the Latch On, I headed back home to the grand opening of a homeschooling textbook consignment shop and community room, but we didn't stay long because it was hot and Joey was getting fussy because he needed a nap. One of the women who participated in the Latch On is either friends with or related to a professional photographer, so there were professional pictures taken during our record-breaking attempt :) Enjoy!

One of two dads to show up is pictured at left.

I enjoyed chatting with the other moms.

The mom in the pink is the one who organized our particular location.

I love this picture!

Raising our hands to be counted!

This was before we started, while we were getting ready to latch.

This is another of my favorites, I love depth of field shots!

There were lots more pictures that he took, I just grabbed the ones that Joey and I were in ;)

1 comment:

  1. hi! I am the mom of the boy in the red shirt who sat next to you! I just googled Big Latch On Annapolis pictures and found your blog- I didn't see all of these pictures on the photographer's site. Hope you are doing well!
