Sunday, June 12, 2011

No Picnic For Us

We didn't make it to the goodbye picnic today. Yesterday we spend a ridiculous amount of time driving around (in the heat and humidity which I did not tolerate well) trying to hunt down a store with window AC units in stock. That's what we get for waiting until after the hot weather has started, but we finally found what we were looking for at Home Depot. All the driving around and getting in and out of the car/heat made me super tired. So today, we went to Mass and went to Dan's parents' house (he had to pick up some paperwork anyway) for lunch. I was a little sad not to go to the school picnic, but I'm also headed up to school for health insurance paperwork tomorrow, so that would have been 3 trips in 4 days and that's a lot of gas. I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and Dan will be at the DMV, so Joey and I are on our own if he doesn't get out in time. We're heading to school straight after the appointment so it could potentially be just me and Joey all day tomorrow.

Joey is 4 weeks old today! I can't believe how fast time has gone, he's gotten so big in this short time too! We've already had to adjust the straps in his car seat and he's probably up to 3lbs. above his birth weight (he was 9lbs. 13oz. a week ago and newborns average an ounce a day in weight gain). It's a lot, always being "on" for responsibility and always making sure Joey has what he needs and is safe. Just about the only break I get is when I'm in the bathroom or taking a nap while Dan watches him. Other than that, I'm constantly checking on him, rocking him, feeding him, snuggling him, and I'm never out of earshot. Despite everything, I'm still loving being a mommy and love having Joey finally here. I'm almost always tired and I get frustrated during mid-night feedings, but I typically feel a lot better if I can get a nap in during the day. Today, I got my nap and it's almost midnight and I'm still awake--though I'm headed off to bed shortly.

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