She's not sure why they didn't see it on my previous ultrasound unless it truly grew really fast in the three weeks between the appointments. I also suggested that they probably didn't think to look for it because I wasn't complaining of any pain at the time, though that doesn't explain why they looked in that area the second time around either. I told her I did have a nicer tech the second time around and maybe the other one was just having a bad day ;) My next appointment is my last every-four-weeks appointment and we move to every-two-weeks after that. The next one they will also do the last bit of blood work and testing. That is going to be interesting because I have to arrive early and stay at least an hour because I have to drink a weird liquid to help them test for gestational diabetes and anemia (and also syphilis which I think is hilarious that they're still testing for it, but it's required apparently). So I'll get there, they'll give me the stuff to drink, I do the regular check-up, then sit in the waiting room for an hour, then have my blood drawn. I had to make it a morning appointment because of the times when the phlebotomist is there to draw blood, so eventually I'll have to talk to work and figure out how to work going to the appointment with my sick leave and stuff. I picked as early an appointment as I could, but the office opens at 9am, so at the earliest I figure I'll be leaving around 10:30am and getting to school by 11:15am or 11:30am, just in time for lunch. It'll be a half day, but if it works out that I don't have to take a full day off, I'll be making that my goal. The less leave time I use the better. I'm already going to be off a month before the kids at the end of the school year because of my due date and I'm still not quite sure how that will work with my pay (I'm the primary breadwinner still).
I've been counting my blessings the whole way through this pregnancy. Even though our insurance isn't as great as it was, it could be worse. Even though Dan lost his main job and is now a number in the "under-employed" statistic, he's happier and less stressed (at least about work, I'm sure he's stressed about the job/money situation but we both are). Our schedules are even more opposite with my teaching and his karate, but that means that when we do get time together, we make the most of it and don't spend it arguing. I'm thankful for an easy pregnancy so far and pray that it continues and that we'll have a healthy baby. My job has it's ups and downs, but I'm developing new skills and I'm not stagnant like with the other job, plus the pay is better and I get snow days and sick leave ;) I also have the option of working the other job over the summer if I want (I doubt that I'll actually want to, but it may be that we'll need the money and I'll have to) but either way I'll be getting paid--being salary is awesome.
I just realized that I need to post a house update. Obviously we're not moving right now or there would be pictures up. We had the inspection done for the house we liked and turns out there was $30K-$40K worth of termite and various other damage to the house and foundation (the work that had been done on the house was not professional and most likely a family member, things were not up to code and not just things we could ignore or fix ourselves). Way too much money for a starter home and we're still looking around. Dan has some houses lined up to look at tomorrow and I'll be going with him if we have another day off from school. There are a few houses that have potential, but I'm worried we could end up with the same situation and pay another inspector to find equal or more damage to anything else in our price range. At some point, we'll have to bite the bullet and either accept something that needs a lot of work or accept defeat and make room in our apartment for the baby. I'm praying everything works out and we get a house before the baby's born, but that's not necessarily up to us ;)
(Jump to Part III of The Mega Cyst Saga)
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