Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Braving Wal Mart (1-11-11)

The night before a supposed snow storm makes a trip to the Super Wal Mart a brave thing. Any time there's a threat of snow, the grocery stores get pounded by people who have a sudden need for a two month's supply of toilet paper. But in desperate need of regular groceries and armed with a gift card from Christmas, I braved what I feared would be one of the bigger crowds at Wal Mart.

When I arrived, I couldn't believe my luck, I managed to snag a parking space right next to the handicapped parking! I managed to turn down the aisle just as the person was pulling out and nobody else was waiting for it, making it the best parking space I ever managed to get at this Wal Mart. I entered and found that my good luck continued inside the store: an ever smaller crowd that when I had gone in the middle of the night before work one morning. I got all my shopping done and very happily found my favorite flavor of sunflower seeds. :)

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